By partnering with Roosevelt University and a number of Chicago companies, the ISCC/ PAL has helped many military veterans acquire jobs and internships after returning home from combat. While our brave men and women proudly dedicate themselves both mentally and physically to creating a safer future for their fellow US citizens, it is no secret the hardships and traumas they face in doing so. Oftentimes the adjustment of redeployment can prove a challenge. These difficulties can affect a veteran’s ability to find employment.
Creating Job Opportunities on a Personal Level… The ISCC/ PAL :
Provides directional assistance for veterans by helping them obtain interviews with local companies for positions and internships for which they are most qualified.
Helps veterans establish their own company.
Has teamed up with Roosevelt University to offer Veterans:
Tuition-free educational opportunities
Career fairs where on-the-spot hiring is possible.
…And on a Political level:
In the political sphere, ISCC advocates for veteran support as well. For example, on 9/13/10 the ISCC/PAL initiated and saw through the passage of the Veterans Preference Ordinance for Cook County, Illinois.
Established group of highly professional pro bono attorneys to aid returning Iraq Afghanistan combat veterans at no charge.
January 20, 2012
I am composing this letter to say thank you. Thank you for your service, assistance, dedication and hard work that you provided me during my criminal case. There are no words that can truly express my deep and heartfelt sincere gratitude. The work that you did for me was superb and outstanding. You were both efficient and professional. Your foresight on all matters on my case was truly remarkable. I owe the success and victory of my case to your dedication and perseverance, which you showed throughout the small timeframe that you were handling my case.
Yesterday, my attorney and I walked into court facing the charge of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.
I had mentally prepared myself for the worst as I heard so any nightmare stories about what would happen. Nevertheless, things also looked quite promising and I had a great deal of hope and confidence just knowing that you were representing me indirectly. You assured me time and time again that I had nothing to worry about and I believed that my life was in great hands.
In addition to having the backing of the Illinois State Crime Commission, a skilled and dedicated attorney makes all the difference; certainly no one can say that I do not know this first hand. I believe in the long run I will truly benefit from both agencies level of expertise, which I can attest, is a cut above. I am determined to stay focused on matters that are important to my growth not only as individual, but as a leader. I have a second chance to stay on the path of straight and narrow. I believe nothing but positive things to come in the future with the verdict that was rendered.
Once again, I give you my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. You are truly skilled in every way an attorney can be to make a difference. I will recommend you highly and deeply appreciate your counsel, advocacy and friendship. I can say without hesitation that you have exceeded my expectations, both in time and in the first class service that you offered. Even if the outcome of my case was different to what I received then my testimonial would be the same. The service and experience was exceptional. Thank you very much.
(name withheld for privacy)