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Breaking News

Under federal and state law, anyone convicted of domestic violence loses their right to legally own a gun, but there’s a push to also see that penalty extended to anyone convicted of animal abuse. The Illinois State Crime Commission is behind the proposal. 

On Sunday, August 30th, the Illinois State Crime Commission offered a $5,000 cash reward for anyone that may have any information  leading to the arrest and conviction of the person that brutally attacked,  beat, stabbed, and raped  a woman in Willowbrook, Illinois on Saturday August 29, 2015.

Illinois State Crime Commission board member, Dennis Mitzner, was awarded the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police at a ceremony on July 14, 2015. Dennis received this award for his exceptional civic commitment as a volunteer in his community of Oak Forest.

We want to recognize all the ways that the DuPage State’s Attorney Office is doing to fight heroin. The DuPage Coalition Against Heroin was formed to raise awareness and educate the public about this growing problem.

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